Hollymead House is among the oldest and longest operating Inns in Virginia. It’s federal style farmhouse is flanked by the original 1780 colonial hessian room and an early 1900’s classic Milton Grigg style architecture. Originally Hollymead Farm, it was home to 4 owners over a period of 70+ years; John Jefferies, John McLeod, James Madison Rogers and “Dee” Runk. B.F.D. Runk was likely the most memorable of the owners of Hollymead, a professor emeritus of biology and former Dean of The University of Virginia from 1959 – 1968.
The Inn began receiving guests in 1973 when Hollymead Inn was acquired by Joe and Peggy Butte as owners and innkeepers.
Intriguing aspects of the Inn included the Hook Cleaver Butcher Shop, housed in the basement down a precarious set of brick stairs. All of the beef came from prized Albemarle County farms and ensured that customers of the Inn’s restaurant had the best selection of fresh meats. After all, the Hollymead Inn restaurant was known near and far for its exquisite country food, southern hospitality and service.
The Mistletoe Lounge, another favorite gathering spot, offered an extensive selection of wine and champagne. Decorated as a bar common in the 1700 and 1800’s, a small cell like design would have provided the barkeeper protection from dusty travelers who found lodging in the Inn. A glowing fireplace remains today, offering a charming and cozy setting for before or after evening activities.
While Hollymead Inn evolved over the next 5 decades, with architectural changes to suit a growing restaurant and Inn, it’s current owners, Pam and William Calary have thoughtfully restored the Inn with antiques and interior design that is in keeping with the period of time of the home. While no longer a full scale restaurant, Hollymead House offers 6 overnight guest rooms, breakfast, and private events.